Blitz (403/640)

From:Donovan Reeve
Date:13 Sep 99 at 02:14:40
Subject:dead. (Well mine certainly is...)

On 13-Sep-99, Mikkel L�kke flashed:
>Here's my two cents worth on this topic.


>1 month ago, my AMiGA went haywire. It began with small things, like the
>keyboard not functioning properly, then the clock went dead, then the
>harddrive died, and 14 days ago, the motherboard finally refused to work
>anymore. Great, now what ? I go buy a cheap PC, because I KNOW there's
>gonna be an AMiGA out in 5 months, so using a PC for five months isn't that
>bad right ? (Boy was I ever wrong.)

>My story isn't unique either, I know at least 4 other people that have had
>the same experiences, and it's not really that surprising considering that
>the NEWEST AMiGA motherboards are a good 5 years old. Shit the one I had in
>my A4000 was from '92.

I'm in pretty much the same boat except my motherboard still limps along
(without sound and without the daughterboard/Zorro slots) so I didn't have
to resort to a cheap wintel. I still have hope that NG Amigas will still
be made by someone, but I can't wait that long. My cheapy solution is
going to be to buy an Iwin if they indeed materialise. That will actually
be a pretty good solution if they are as advertised. We'll know soon as
they claim to be planning availibility for the end of this month.
With that and Amiga OS3.5 I would be in good shape for a while.
The nece thing about the Iwins is that Blitz should continue to work on
them just fine, and of course Pure Basic will too, right Fred?

cacha later,

Donovan Reeve (

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